This document deals with uninstalling Power Planner in two different circumstances: Temporary uninstall Permanent removal from system Temporary Uninstall ------------------- You may wish temporarily uninstall Power Planner, in preparation to re-install the product because of a corrupt or messed up system, Before you do so, remember that if you have backed up your database when exiting Power Planner, you may restore it when loading, and this may solve your problem. If you are sure that you want to uninstall the software, proceed as follows: 1) If you are a registered user, and Power Planner is still runnning, you should deactivate the security system by selecting Options, then Deactivate from the main menu when using the Network Edit View. 2) Remove the Power Planner Directory with all sub-directories 3) Delete the file POWRPLAN.INI from the Windows directory 4) Delete the file CCPPDLL.DLL from the Windows System directory 5) Reboot the computer before attempting to re-install Power Planner. 6) If you experience installation difficulties, make sure that no other programs are running when you install Power Planner. If you still have difficulties try removing programs from your startup group, and reboot to start Windows cleanly. Permanent Uninstall ------------------- First, remove the Power Planner directory, then remove the files POWRPLAN.INI and PPSETUP.EXE from the Windows directory. Power Planner installs or replaces the files listed below in your Windows System directory. If any of these files are already present, and the version is the same or later than that required by Power Planner, then Power Planner will not overwrite them. Note that if you simply remove these files, Power Planner will certainly be fully uninstalled, but you may remove files required by another program. You should make a note of files in the Windows System directory before you install Power Planner. When you uninstall Power Planner do not delete any files In the Windows System directory that were present before Power Planner was installed. This process may seem rather 'user unfriendly' but it is the only SAFE method for uninstalling a program. TRUEGRID VBX THREED VBX SPIN VBX GANTTVBX VBX CSTEXT VBX CSGROUP VBX CSFORM VBX CSCMD VBX CSCAPT VBX CSCALNDR VBX CMDIALOG VBX COMMDLG DLL CBK VBX APIGUIDE DLL VER DLL SETUPKIT DLL VBRUN300 DLL VBDB300 DLL CCMOVE DLL MSAJT112 DLL VBUNZ VBX VBZIP VBX CSHT VBX CSMETER VBX GSWDLL16 DLL GSW16 EXE MSAJT200 DLL CCCHANGE DLL DUNZIP DLL DZIP DLL GRAPHX VBX GSWAG16 DLL CCPPDLL DLL These files are held in compressed form on the Power Planner install disks (or in your temporary install directory if you have extracted the files from a downloaded .zip file). If you need to check the file size and date of the file as as required by Power Planner, you may manually expand the file from the install disk using the following syntax EXPAND libname.DL_ libname.DLL The Expand program is provided by Microsoft with Windows.